has been some time since last
time I wrote, unfortunately my job stole most of my limited free
time keeping me from experimenting and so posting about it. At last I
managed to collect enough free time to complete Raspberry PI 3
installation and replace the older model I was using as home server.
Just like before?
Not exactly
I started configuring and installing the Raspberry PI 3 I was hoping
it would have been a simple repetition of operation I already
performed on the older Raspberry. Most of it has been that way but in
some cases I experienced some relevant difference.
a static IP address
been configuring static IP address on Linux since I installed my
first Pentium
III based Linux, so I really didn't expect any problem here. Once
I configured “/etc/networking/interfaces file” I instead noticed
the Raspberry was visible on the network with two different
addresses. After some searching
on the Internet I discovered it's because of a different way DACP
client works on latest Raspbian release. The problem can be solved in
two ways: first is configuring DHCP client in order to let it set a
static address on network interface alternatively it's possible
disable DHCP client for one or more network interface. I chose the
latter, at the end, since the Raspberry is going to be a DHCP server
so there is no deal in keeping DHCP client active. I disabled DHCP
client from assigning address to both wired and wireless network
interface by adding the following line to “/etc/dhcpcd.conf”
configuration file.
denyinterfaces wlan0 eth0
server and wireless access point
I did on my first Raspberry server I configured the new one to work
as DHCP server and a wireless access point. It seem there are no
relevant changes since first time I did it, I simply had to follow my
own instructions.
apt-ger based applications like LAMP
sever and MiniDLNA
server has been a quite easy task, while to install other
applications like RPI-Monitor
I had to look for the updated
download link on the Internet. I also installed the updated
version of SFPG
picture gallery, it works but picures thumbnails don't show. I'll
look for a solution later.
supply and cables
I had the Raspberry PI 3 installed and configured on my desktop I pit
it in place of the old one and … nothing was working. It took me
some time of testing and pinging before I noticed the board power led
wasn't properly lighted-up. The phone/tablet charger I used to supply
the old Raspberry wasn't up to the Raspberry PI 3 power requirement.
I replaced the power supply with the one I used for desktop test but
it wasn't enough to make the Raspberry PI 3 working, I had to replace
micro-USB power cable with a shorter one in order to have it working,
I think it's better I'll buy a dedicated Raspberry PI 3 power supply