
Friday 25 March 2011

Upgrading to Firefox 4 on Ubuntu and the EEEPC

Just a short post to report my impressions on the just released version 4 of Mozilla's browser. As soon as I realized a stable version has been released I decided to install it on the EEEPC 900.

Download and Installation

Mozilla download page offers, for Linux computers, a tar archive installation option but for Debian based distribution a repository is also available. Plenty of sites reports installation instructions I got them from here.
So installing Firefox has been matter of simply typing the following command in the console:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:mozillateam/firefox-stable
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install firefox

First impressions

Here is how Firefox 4 looks like.
On Mozilla web page they say the new Firefox is six time faster than the previous version, may be it doesn't look exactly six time faster when you use it but it appears faster without doubt. Compared to Google Chrome pages loading times seem to be almost the same, but Chrome is still more responsive on more Javascript filled pages, I'd say that Firefox has almost filled the gap to Google rival. By the way, whatever you choose, it's good to have the problem of choosing. Especially speaking about browsers.

Since I had some comments about it, let me explicitally remind that these instructions (should) work with Ubuntu. Installing Firefox on the EEEPC's original Xandros installation, if possible, is a different thing. Like I did already write in comments you can try the script posted here (the page is in Italian), or you can think about installing another Linux distribution like Ubuntu or Puppy Linux.

Friday 18 March 2011

LyX (and LaTeX):the other way to write your texts

Talking about word processors is often limited to never ending discussions about Microsoft Word and Open Office writer. It happens then you learn that many people who has very intensive writing needs uses very different tools and you end by discovering, or I might say re-discovering, a completely different way to write. The tools I'm talking of are the markup typesetting languages like LaTeX and DocBook. In order to use this kind of programs you have to write your text almost like a computer program, using a set of commands to define chapters, character styles and so on. Here is how the beginning of this text may look like in LaTeX:
\title{\LyX{} (and \LaTeX{}):the other way to write your texts}
\author{Massimo Musante}
\section*{Introduction }
Talking about word processors is often limited to never-ending
discussions about Microsoft Word and Open Office writer. It happens
then you learn that many people who has very intensive writing needs
uses very different tools and you end by discovering, or I might say
re-discovering, a completely different way to write. The tools I'm
talking of are the typesetting languages like \LaTeX{} and DocBook.
In order to use this
I had my first experiences with a similar program, Troff, when I was studying (there are few ways to write a document from a green-phosphors VT100 terminal). Learning curve had been quite steep and when new computers with more modern word processors where made available I quickly dismissed these languages as relics from past. After many years I learn that old typesetting languages have evolved, some new has been developed and many people continue using them. I so decided to have a look to the LaTeX universe to understand if it's still a viable way to write your texts and if the learning curve has been some-way made easier. After a brief research on the Internet I discovered LyX, a writing software that promised to make writing a document with LaTeX as easy as using any other word processing application. I so installed LyX, easily from Ubuntu's software center, and started trying it by writing this post with it.


Word processing software we are used to know, like Open Office Writer, are usually referred as WYSIWYG (What you see is what you get) since they show you in the screen how your document will appear once printed. by contrast other writing software like LyX has been called WYSIWYM (What you see is what you mean) since what they show you on screen is e representation of document's logical structure (sections, chapters ...) of representing its physical layout. The WYSIWYM concept works great when the content of your text is preponderant above its layout. For example if you're writing a book or an article you're going to use an handful of text styles over all the document but it will be fundamental using them in a consistent way. On the other hand if your are writing documents where layout is preponderant, like leaflets, the better feedback with the document final layout will probably make you save time. The major drawback of using WYSIWYM concept has ever been the steep learning curve of typesetting markup languages ... at least until now.